Monthly archives: February, 2017

Soul Kitchen

I have grumbled some about my postage stamp-sized kitchen on this blog thus far, but I like it a lot more than I did when we moved in. When we were renting the house from Seth’s parents, the walls were bright red, the cabinets were the worst light-wood laminate I can imagine, and the cabinet …

Lookin’ Out My Backdoor

Land use and development is something that occupies my mind on an almost daily basis. How am I using space? How are we as a society using this or that space? How can we do it better? As a species we have a tremendous impact on the natural world around us, and to disregard how …

New Coat of Paint

When Seth’s parents first bought our house with the intention of renting it out, I had absolutely no intention of living there. But being involved with Seth as I was, his friend and partner in breakup woes at that time, I was happy to help clean the place up and help get it move-in ready. …

I Don’t Wanna Miss a Thing

Seth and I both recently graduated, him with his bachelor’s degree and me with my master’s degree. We went to two different schools and aside from school, Seth maintained one job and I maintained between two and three (yes I am insane). To say it was a challenge to spend time together was an understatement. …

What a Wonderful World

Just imagine me listening to Louie Armstrong and reveling in the idea that future generations will benefit from the knowledge we are gaining every day (“They’ll learn much more than I’ll ever know”) while I write this post. Seth and I both care very deeply about the environment. His degree is in Environmental Studies and …

Pay It Back

If you’re anything like Seth and I, you graduated college with some serious debt. Seth was luckier and smarter than I was in that respect. His parents had money set aside for college and he started with an associate’s degree at a community college, which was much cheaper. Even though he didn’t have to take …

Murphy’s Law

Alternative title for this post: Never Renovate on a Deadline.   Murphy’s Law states that anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. Nowhere in life is this more true than during a renovation project. So before I get into examples, I will give some words of advice: never plan a renovation with a hard …